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Counselling and IFS therapy:

"I have learned such a lot about myself and feel I have made good progress, thanks to you! So many things are much clearer now, and calmer. Every session has been a step forward. Even when I feared I was getting nowhere, there was always something to learn, some unexpected light shining somewhere." (IFS client, 2024)

"Sebastiana helped me during a particularly stressful time and gave me incredibly useful tools to cope and deal with what was going on around me. She’s gentle and empathic, and our sessions felt like a safe space to explore my inner parts, but also talk about the little difficulties of everyday life. After only a few months of therapy I feel calmer, more grounded, and confident in my abilities to heal." (IFS client, 2023)

"Every time I have a dark, sad feeling I reassure my young part within and I am able to deal with whatever comes up. It is quite miraculous! I'm certain it's led to so much movement for me."  (IFS client, 2022)

"Our 17 year old reported spiralling self-esteem and requested support. Then a significant trauma happened. Sebastiana created time and space for her to process and progress from these acute experiences and return to balance, perspective and confidence. The sessions created a highly valued and valuable support for our teen." Parent

"K. most definitely seems to be coping better with the things going on around her and I feel better equipped to help support her too." Parent of 15-year old

" I wanted to say thanks for helping my son. He seems so much more in control of his sadness now. I really think you've helped." Parent of 13-year-old

"We  would thoroughly recommend Sebastiana to any parent with concerns with their child, she helped our daughter enormously.  Sebastiana is a gentle, empathetic counsellor who uses techniques around art, mindfulness and nature to help draw out the thoughts & feelings of the child.  Our daughter had some issues and after 12 sessions she left Sebastiana more confident about herself and has the tools to manage any negative feelings. Overall she is back to her happy, talkative and funny old self, and with our support hopefully can remain so." Parent of 14-year old

Mindful Self-Compassion:

“Sebastiana delivered a Mindful Self-Compassion course for young care leavers. It really empowered the participants to become more aware of their own feelings and reactions and to find coping strategies to help them overcome stress and anxiety. The sessions were really well structured and offered them a different experience each week. They gained really valuable tools to add to their mindful self-compassion kit! “ Manager at 'Break' Charity, online short course, 2021

"Sebastiana's Mindful Self-Compassion sessions were really professional, organised and personalised to our young carers. They all felt listened to and understood, and will be using these exercises to support them in their caring roles."  Manager at 'Caring Together' charity, 2021

"I am so glad I joined this course. It has provided me with so much more insight and I also find that I am using some techniques with my patients. Most satisfying of all is that I have a new understanding of my inner critic and look at me from a different perspective. As always, thank you Sebastiana for your loving kindnesss and your ability to teach us this so well."

"I was very surprised this week to find that I did not need to work so hard at sorting myself out. Instead I was able to allow myself to just be and I was more aware of emotions and tuning into them and how they made me feel. It was very helpful to connect a feeling to certain parts of my body and allow the breathing techniques to soothe these emotions." A.L., 2020, 6-week online course.

"I experienced many tender moments being with myself during Sebastiana's workshop on using Mindful Self-Compassion with Voice Movement Therapy. Entering the VMT space with a sense of self-compassion allowed me to have a very different experience of my body and I found the supportive touch particularly moving." Mali, IAVMT conference, November, 2021


"Such a deep and enriching experience. I feel energized. Lovely open group. Rob and Sebastiana work well together- attuned and contained." (3-hour workshop, 2023)

"I have nothing but praise for the ecotherapy retreats run by Ecotherapy East; a weekend spent connecting with nature, gently guided and safely facilitated by Rob and Sebastiana, in a picturesque landscape.

I experienced a huge and powerful shift during this retreat. There are many unhelpful parts of ourselves that we are so familiar with but can’t seem to change, no matter how hard we try.

Getting to know them using guided techniques in nature, allowed me to move through grief and sorrow into absolute joy and to lovingly accept them, as the first step towards positive change."  Laura

"Rob and Sebastiana's warm welcome and invitation to engage with the natural world made this day very special.  There was a lovely atmosphere of acceptance and gentle encouragement to go beyond our boundaries as individuals and share our experiences with a group of like-minded people.  I felt really listened to and cared for.  The beautiful field was a wonderful space for our day." Nick, October 21

The venue was perfect from the orchestra of birds and the bleating of the sheep to that surrounded us and held us safe within their realm for the duration of the course, to the grass beneath our feet and the pure peace of the venue itself .. the nights skies were a delight. My sleep has improved as a consequence of the 5 days I spent on the retreat, but even when I have a “bad” night of wakefulness my mind has a range of tools to use now, and instead of tossing and turning I am able to use less stressful ways of just being with the awake mind.

Chrissie, 2021 Wise Nature 5 day retreat

"Sebastiana and Rob created a fantastic space and atmosphere.  It was welcoming, relaxing, calming, mindful and nurturing." Andrew, 2021

"In a world where joy, emotional responses and experiences are "off the shelf", instant and fleeting, Robert and Sebastiana led us by the hand into a different way of thinking and being, where our modern relationship with time changed and we allowed ourselves to be part of the great ecosystem of life on this planet.  Thank you for sharing your knowledge.  We enjoyed attending as a couple and are now helping each other to live in a more mindful way."  Steve and Claire Gebbett, 2021, Wise Nature 3 day retreat

"I've been to two of these day events now and really enjoyed them. Rob and Sebastiana led the various activities with warmth and kindness, guiding us into a deeper awareness of ourselves through being present and alive to the natural world. A nourishing oasis in a busy life!"  Amrita, 2019

Voice Movement Therapy:

"The Mindful Voice course was extremely nourishing and insightful. Sebastiana's instructions and care made the experience fun and freeing. I would highly recommend it for anyone who wants to expand their understanding of voice and compassion."

David, 2020

"Sebastiana's workshops are a deeply moving experience, and yet also light and playful.  She holds a safe space where you feel free to start experimenting with your voice, testing and exploring its possibilities, learning about what more you could do with it. This work is useful for performance and also for life. Highly recommended." Gabriella, Something From Nothing theatre company, Brighton 2018

"I found my sessions with Sebastiana very therapeutic, calming and blissful.  Her combination of skills in psychology and voice was very beneficial for me.  I have a wild, busy, creative mind that can drive me a bit mad.  Sebastiana was really able to help me to create space and feel calm and playful.  Her approach is kind, caring, open and non judgemental.  She has a beautiful soul (and a beautiful voice) and meeting her was a wonderful experience for me." 

Jen 2018


"I have wanted to explore my voice in depth for a number of years and with your guidance and support I was able to achieve that. I made sounds I had no idea I could make and that process for me was incredibly empowering."

K. R., My Authentic Voice, 2018


“I found Expressive Voice Group (EVG) had numerous benefits.  On a practical level, breathing techniques helped with speaking from the tummy and abdomen, not just the throat and upper chest so ...  less strain.  Also some of the activities highlight how we find our voice in a group.  As my work involves a fair amount of talking in meetings this was professionally relevant.  On a personal level the sessions also encourage noticing the link between emotions and voice both in yourself and others.  And it was fun and freeing to be 'allowed' to make as much or as little noise as you wished!" 

Jane, EVG (Expressive Voice Group), Spring 2018

"It was all enlivening. I learnt how to remain with myself and my feelings and be less conscious of other's opinion."

Carol, EVG Spring 2018


“I discovered how natural and freeing it is to use my voice and what a great tool and channel it is.

Sam, EVG, Spring 2018

“Taking part in Sebastiana's sessions warmed my heart. It helped me to give myself permission to let go. I enjoyed Sebastiana's amazing facilitation skills and ability to tune into individuals and the group, catering for everybody's needs.”

Ian, EVG, Spring 2017

“Thank you for your incredible ability to unlock people's voices. It has made me think about the voice in a way I never thought before."

Ben, UEA, Creative Expression 2017

"Thank you so much for your work this week-you have brought both calm and joy . I feel more open about my voice and more in touch with it. Thank you for your compassion, energy and wisdom."

Rosa, UEA, Creative Expression 2017

“I enjoyed being able to play with my voice and make sounds without any sense of being judged as 'good' or 'bad'. I feel like I have started to find my voice more since the course – not necessarily in terms of singing or public speaking, but a more general sense of certainty in myself and expressing myself.”

Rachel, EVG, Norwich 2016

I have felt totally safe and supported with my voice and that is very freeing.

Summer, EVG, December 2016

“I have been practicing some of the vocal exercises from the workshop in Prague. It is helping me a lot. I am attending to aches and pains in my body. It gives me strength, courage and puts me in a good mood. I allow myself to express different sounds and vocalisations. It is a great way to awaken and balance energies in oneself.”

Habi, Prague 2015


Free voice and body


“V poslední době hodně proplouvám mnoha kurzy, zaměřuji se hlavně na odblokavání sebe samého. Tento kurz mi přinesl nečekaně silnou vnitřní transformaci. Pokud už řešíš, jestli jet nebo ne - tak jeď. Mě to tam změnilo život.”

Filip, Hlas bez Hranic, Druna, 2019

"Jsem vděčná za Sebastiany laskavé, empatické a ženské vedení, plné vlídnosti, laskavosti, podpory a pochopení. Celý seminář byl pro mě hlubokým procesem, který mi pomohl více otevřít mé srdce, více vnímat sama sebe, začít být k sobě laskavější. V práci s hlasem si začít více věřit, přestat se soudit a nebát se projevit, třeba i před skupinou. Po celém víkendu jsem se cítila uvolněná a naplněná. Určitě chci pokračovat i v budoucnu na podobných dílnách či seminářích." D.

Daniela, Praha Druna 2019

"Získala jsem užitečné techniky, které mi dávají možnost v soukromí  domova pracovat se svými emocemi prostřednictvím hlasového projevu, popřípadě dopřávat si radost ze svého hlasu a možnosti experimentovat s ním." Jiřina, Praha Druna 2019

Sebastiana používá velmi jemné techniky (dech, kresba), které jsou však velmi účinné a zcela nenásilně postupně uvolňují hlasový potenciál každého účastníka. Vřele doporučuji všem, kteří s hlasem teprve začínají pracovat a cítí se nejistě, ale i těm, kteří už mají více zkušeností a potřebují jít více do hloubky. Po dílně jsem vnímala, že můj hlas je zvučnější a zpívá se mi lehčeji. Iva, Praha Druna 2019

"Po operaci zhoubného nádoru a ozařování se mi hlas hodně změnil a mám mírnou atrofii hlasivek, což je pro mne občas frustrující, zejména v profesní práci.  Při hlasové meditaci k záměru mě přišlo poselství: “Nevadí, když nebudu mít hlas, hlavně, že dýchám. Láska je propustná a strach svazuje. Miluju svůj hlas takový jaký je – připomíná mi osudové setkání s konečností a umožňuje mi tak uvědomit si přítomné štěstí."

Adéla, Vlčí Hora 2018

"Nahlídla a prozkoumala jsem svou další rovinu a měla jsem možnost vidět, slyšet, vnímat a prožít svůj hlas jinak, jako součást mně."

Iva, Nespoutaný hlas, Praha Druna 2018

“Dílna mě naučila vážit si svého hlasu, mít k němu úctu a respektovat ho, věřit, že se od něj mám co naučit, že mi má co dát. Mám teď hlas hlubší a už ani nezadrhávám. Dílna mi pomohla dát prostor a čas svému tělu, trpělivě ho prodýchávat a nazvučit, aby se nachystalo ke konečným výkřikům z nitra duše. Bylo to prostě skvělé a rozhodně se to zařadí mezi zásadní milníky mého života.”

Lucka, Nespoutaný hlas, Praha Druna 2016

Vracím se každý den na chvilku ke svému hlasu, který zpívá z nitra. Je to úžasné. Mám hlas jasnější a zvučnější."

Léňa, Praha Druna 2016

"Zachovala jsem si některá hlasová cvičení ze stáže v Praze. Velice mi to pomáhá. Léčím si tak bolesti v těle, dodává mi to dobrou náladu, sílu a odvahu. Dovolím si ze sebe vydávat různé zvuky, pazvuky a zpěvy. Je to skvělý způsob jak v sobě rozvibrovat a zharmonizovat energie."

Habi, Praha Druna 2015

"Cosi se ve mně asi odblokovalo, protože následující dny jsem byla ve škole daleko uvolněnější, spontánnější a komunikativnější." Lucie, Praha Druna 2015

"Uvědomila jsem si, že se nemusím obávat svého projevu, přirozeného, patřícího k mým pocitům i tělu a zároveň jsem se naučila jak tyto pocity a můj vlastní hlas regulovat.“

Lenka, Praha Druna 2013

"Cela práce s hlasem  pod vedením Sebastiany  byla pro mě  silná a "uderná" ve své vlídnosti a jemnosti. Mohla jsem se na sebe víc podívat, vnímat se, zkoumat, jak funguju.... a nehroutit se při tom. Protože to bylo - i když ne vždy příjemné - bezpečné."

Štěpánka, Druna říjen 2013

"Děkuji vám za představení této úžasné techniky, za jemné a citlivé vedení při praktických cvičeních, naprosto vše mi sedlo, vše se dělo v pravý čas a navíc moc milým způsobem. Dílna pro mě byla bezpečným místem vnitřního objevování (a sdílení) a jsem i moc ráda za těžkosti, které jsem cestou potkala." Ivana, Druna únor 2013

"Dílna mi připravila skvělou půdu pro další práci na sobě. Cítím se velmi posílená a to se nádherně projevilo na mém hlasovém projevu. O prospěšnosti dílny jsem 100% přesvědčena."

Kamila, Praha Druna únor 2013

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